Basic understanding of WagtailΒΆ

Before starting this tutorial we assume you have a basic understanding of Wagtail and how its editing interface works. We suggestion reading Wagtail’s guide to understand how to use the editor.

When you make changes to a page in the Wagtail admin there are several options available:

Unpublish: Takes the page down from the public website but still save the draft in case you want to republish it.

Delete: Permanently deletes the page. Only delete if you never want to publish this page or the information on it ever again.

Publish: Makes any changes you made public and published to the website.

Submit for moderation: Notifies other admins that you made some changes that you want someone to review. These changes will not be published to the website until the changes are approved by a moderator or admin.

Save as Draft: Saves the page as a draft but does NOT publish the changes to the website.

The Wagtail editor page

Great, let’s add some content: Create a new Home page