
Starting your own version of StartHereCMS can be done in 30 minutes. Once you have your Heroku and AWS accounts set up it’s as simple as clicking a button!

How to start a new website

There are a couple of services you need to sign up for before deploying your website to Heroku:

  1. A Heroku account
  2. An Amazon Web Services account

Once you sign up for these services you need the following keys to launch your application:

Required keys to create the website
Name of key How to find it Example value
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY Create a secret key 2IUGFD/8vD9/k7s6
AWS_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME Create your bucket start-here-dog-files

Additionally there are some optional (free!) services you can use for added functionality:

  • Google Analytics – used to track how people use your website
  • Google Maps – used to let you set locations of community organizations on a map
  • Algolia – used to power a search box on your website so people can easily find pages
Optional keys for additional services
Name of key How to find it Example value
GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY Get your API key AIv80f_8tueriogjURGYE
GOOGLE_WIDGET_DEFAULT_LAT Find your latitude 37.773972
GOOGLE_WIDGET_DEFAULT_LONG Find your longitude -122.431297
ALGOLIA_API_KEY Get your API Key ce0896nbfsHUGfdgrz9b

Once you have a Heroku account and an AWS bucket set up, you can start! Click the deploy button to create your project in Heroku:

Deploy to Heroku button

This will prompt you to create an admin username + password. Remember what you type! We will use this account information to login later. Viewing your app after Heroku builds it should show a simple “Hello World” website like this:

The basic Hello World Wagtail app

Need a template to help you get started? Pick from our community sourced list.

Want a full walk through on how to structure and setup your website from scratch? Follow our Tutorial!