Tutorial - Start Here Dog!

This tutorial will walk you step by step through creating your own Start Here CMS website.

We assume you’ve taken the steps to sign up and launch your version of the CMS to Heroku, have a basic understanding of our CMS structure, and currently have a website that looks like this:

A basic homepage for a Wagtail application

And logging into the admin view at http://<your-heroku-app-name>.herokuapp.com/admin should look like this:

The login view for the Wagtail admin

Use the username and password you created during the Quickstart section to login.


Going forward we’ll use some icons to let you know about definitions and extra resources:

An icon of a movie playing

This icon means we have a link to a YouTube video to see a full walkthrough

A magnifying glass

This icon means we are about to define a field in the Wagtail admin like the one below:

A definition in the Wagtail admin

Now we’re ready to make a website!