Track PageΒΆ

A track lists the relavent Steps a user can take to accomplish something. Tracks also have an optional survey you can create to help a user narrow down their list of things to do and focus on what they can feasibly get done.

Here’s what the editing template of a Track looks like:

The first section of the editing admin for a Track page The second section of the editing admin for a Track page The third section of the editing admin for a Track page

Track pages contain a list of Step pages. This is what your file structure should look like:

A track page with a list of steps

That’s how we know what Steps to automatically list on the Track page:

A track page with the fields documented

If you want to defined a form (aka survey) on the page, then these fields map to these values. Please read our full tutorial about creating the Track page Options form.

A track page with the form fields documented